The Inspired Plate | April Challenge | Snack Foods

This months Inspired Plate photo challenge is “Snack Food” with a story! My story.. a family reunion to celebrate my mom and dad turning 80!! What a glorious time we all had! The snack.. ahem, “healthy dessert”, was a trifle in a jar!

Our celebration was held in beautiful Santa Barbara, California, where two of my sisters live. We had a few days of play and scavenging the country side, hiking and picnicking to boot! I must admit, I was pretty busy this trip and took my camera out of it’s bag just a few times!

My sister Valerie’s family top left, and my mom and dad with a few of the Granddaughters’. We were missing quite a few of the Grandkids, whether at work or away at college, their presence was surely missed!

Sweet cousins who drove up from Southern Cal. It was wonderful to see many of them too!
I hope you enjoyed a little of my “Snack Food” story through these photos! Now be sure to head on over to my sweet Southern California girlfriend’s blog, Allison Jacobs, Orange County Food Photographer, to see her take on “Snack Foods”!